temo-e tlatsanang le thaba ea letsatsi
Ka Mosebetsi oa Self Power Supply
Sistimi e na le ts'ebetso ea phepelo ea motlakase, e ka sebelisoang ho matlafatsa enjene ka kotloloho le ho boloka litšenyehelo tsa wiring
Likarolo tse khonang ho kenya
Sistimi ke sistimi e bohlale ea ho latedisa lihlopha tse 3 tsa likhoele tse tsamaellanang le sistimi ea 1500V.
Tlhokomelo Free
Moralo o nang le tokelo ea molao oa Weiwang, o khannoang ke sheave + RV reducer, RV reducer e ka fihlela tlhokomelo ea bophelo bohle mahala.
Temo-Complementary Solar Mount ke tharollo ea matla e tsitsitseng e etselitsoeng ho fihlela litlhoko tsa ts'ebetso ea temo e kholo le e nyane.Tharollo ena e sebelisa matla a letsatsi ho matlafatsa lisebelisoa tsa temo, mechini le meaho.Ke tsela e sebetsang hantle, e baballang litšenyehelo, le e bonolo ea tikoloho ea ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea matla le metsi.
Temo-Complementary Solar Mount e etselitsoe ho fana ka matla a ts'eptjoang le a tsitsitseng bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea temo, ho kenyelletsa ho nosetsa, tlhahiso ea lijalo le mesebetsi ea mehlape.E khona ho matlafatsa mefuta e fapaneng ea lisebelisoa le mechini ea temo, joalo ka literekere, lipompo le lisebelisoa tse ling tse ikhethang.Tharollo ena e boetse e etselitsoe hore e be bonolo ho e kenya le ho e hlokomela, 'me e loketse libaka tseo ho tsona ho fihlella mehloli ea matla a khale e fokolang.
Molemo o ka sehloohong oa Mount-Complementary Solar Mount ke ho boloka litšenyehelo.Tharollo ena e felisa tlhokahalo ea matla a theko e boima a marang-rang, ha a ntse a fana ka matla a tšepahalang le a tsitsitseng.Ho phaella moo, tharollo ena e ka thusa ho fokotsa tšebeliso ea metsi, kaha e felisa tlhokahalo ea lipompo tsa nosetso le mesebetsi e meng e sebelisang metsi a mangata.
Temo-Complementary Solar Mount e etselitsoe ts'ebetso ea temo ea boholo bohle le litekanyetso.Ke tharollo e loketseng bakeng sa lits'ebetso tse nyane le tse kholo, 'me e etselitsoe ho ba bonolo ho e kenya le ho e hlokomela.Ho phaella moo, tharollo ena e etselitsoe hore e lumellane le mekhoa ea ho nosetsa e teng, e etsang hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ts'ebetso e teng.
Ha o kenya Mount-Complementary Solar Mount, ho bohlokoa ho latela litaelo tsohle le liprothokholo tsa polokeho.Ho feta moo, ho bohlokoa ho etsa bonnete ba hore sistimi e kentsoe le ho hlokomeloa hantle e le ho etsa bonnete ba hore e sebetsa hantle.
Temo-Complementary Solar Mount e tla le waranti e felletseng le ts'ebeletso ea kamora thekiso.Khampani e fana ka tšehetso ea tekheniki le thuso bakeng sa litlhoko leha e le life tsa ho kenya le ho lokisa.
Temo-Complementary Solar Mount e fana ka mefuta e fapaneng ea melemo ho feta mehloli ea khale ea matla, ho kenyeletsoa ho boloka litšenyehelo, ho fokotseha ha tšebeliso ea matla le metsi, le ho kenya le ho hlokomela habonolo.Ho phaella moo, tharollo ena e etselitsoe hore e lumellane le mekhoa ea ho nosetsa e teng, e etsang hore e be e loketseng bakeng sa ts'ebetso e teng.Tharollo ena e boetse e etselitsoe ho tšepahala le ho tsitsisa, ho fana ka matla a tšepahalang le a tsitsitseng bakeng sa ts'ebetso ea temo.Qetellong, Temo-Complementary Solar Mount e tla le waranti e felletseng le ts'ebeletso ea morao-rao ea thekiso, e netefatsang hore bareki ba fumana molemo o moholo matseteng a bona.